
The Resonance Hypothesis

Written By:

Shreyas Tongaonkar

People often ask us what we do. Being in a field that isn’t widely known in India, people are curious about our role as designers in the industry. More often than not, conversations about design begin with a range of stereotypes such as “So your job is to make things look good, right?” which isn’t entirely untrue, but it isn’t the whole story. The problem is that most designers don’t have a common answer to this question themselves. Every designer interprets design differently. And so, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people will struggle to understand what we do.

As designers, we are in the business of building ideas. And so, design is a way of thinking. Whether we realize it or not, everything around us is a product of design. That is synonymous with meaning that everything can be designed. At Sync Labs, we believe in this ideal and push the limits of what can and should be designed. From the re-design of a simple whiteboard to understanding and developing solutions to improve the process by which children make career choices, we believe that design has a role to play in every domain. But do not be mistaken, we do not claim that design will save the world. The biggest drawback, and perhaps its best quality, is that design can rarely work in isolation. It always needs to be supported by a range of domains to build a strong foundation.

In this vast and ever-changing landscape, we have tried to carve out our own meaning of what design is in a way that is understandable and approachable. Simply put, we believe that design is about resonance. At its core, it is about understanding humans and connecting with them. We approach every challenge with fresh eyes and with a goal of understanding the people that face the problem before attempting to provide a solution for them.

Sync Labs acts as a bridge between the users and the business. We stand to serve both and use critical thinking to provide a healthy balance between the two. We push hard on the idea that the most natural opportunities for growth for a business come from understanding the people that they serve. And so, our innovation process is naturally research driven. We are curious and empathetic by nature, and have tried to emphasize these qualities in everything we do. Always keen to be disruptive, we have developed our own set of research and brainstorming tools and techniques to push our message. Sync Labs has a goal of changing the perception of design in the eyes of the industry. We intend to build ideas that will resonate with our clients and users. In doing so, we hope that people gain a new perspective of design and are able to appreciate and value it more.

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Sync Labs is a design agency that crafts Brands, Websites, SaaS and Mobile Experiences using research led strategy and frameworks

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Sync Labs is a design agency that crafts Brands, Websites, SaaS and Mobile Experiences using research led strategy and frameworks